Meghwal Federation National Association of Social Meghwal now are registered to the new name. At the same time extended to many other countries from top international institutions have become the Meghwal community. Its founder and President of Rajasthan Hanumansinah Avidyawaridhi Acharya Gurooprasad are fearless. The main objective of the Union equivalent to the same historical background, social - Cloud, Meghwal, Mehwanshi, Balai, Tabalai, Hamb, weavers, Sutrkar, Salvi, sage Rikhia ie, Kabirpanthy, Kabirpanthy Weaver Zata - Maru - Bassi, recognizable by different names Bshisht etc. Meghwal society are Pirona a formula and they are to establish mutual emotional and Sanhatmk unity. Meghwal society through Acharya Gurooprasad Union long enough to unite the brothers across the country are engaged in society. Jismeean they have achieved remarkable success. Since Hanumansinah fearless when the executive took over as chairman of the National Association Meghwal community in Rajasthan and other states along with Dalit organizations Aandolneatmk and organizational actions are initiated, especially the security of land rights of Dalits and injustice, Utpeeednez , freedom from exploitation and atrocities the people are being organized and prepared to retaliate. Social Justice Tour this effort is a wide format. Acharyji and Nirrhyji Juadkazar social cohesion of the Union of Mehwaljnoan pursue this campaign is called for. Contact - - Gurooprasad Acharya, Founder, Meghwal Social Union, HO G -1-64, Uttam Nagar, State Bank, New Delhi
हमारे उद्देश्य: - मेघवाल समुदाय समृद्ध सामाजिक, आर्थिक, धार्मिक, मानसिक और सांस्कृतिक. मृत्यु भोज, शराब दुरुपयोग, बाल विवाह, बहुविवाह, दहेज, विदेशी शोषण, अत्याचार और समाज और सामाजिक कार्यकर्ताओं पर अपराधों को रोकने के लिए और समाज के कमजोर लोगों का समर्थन की तरह प्रगति में बाधा कार्यों से छुटकारा पाने की कोशिश करेंगे :- नवरत्न मन्डुसिया
सदस्यता लें
टिप्पणियाँ भेजें (Atom)
नवरत्न मन्डुसिया
खोरी गांव के मेघवाल समाज की शानदार पहल
सीकर खोरी गांव में मेघवाल समाज की सामूहिक बैठक सीकर - (नवरत्न मंडूसिया) ग्राम खोरी डूंगर में आज मेघवाल परिषद सीकर के जिला अध्यक्ष रामचन्द्...

मेघवंश जाती के प्रवर शाखा और प्रशाखा प्राचीन क्षत्रियो में चन्द्र वंश और सूर्य वंश ये दो वंश मुख्य मने जाते हैं !फ...
बाबा रामदेव जी महाराज मेघवाल है और इन तथ्यों से साबित होता है ॥ बाबा रामदेव जी महाराज सायर मेघवाल के ही पुत्र थे ॥ और बाबा रामदेव जी मह...
1 टिप्पणी:
Meghwal Federation National Association of Social Meghwal now are registered to the new name.(राष्ट्रीय मेघवाल महासंघ अब मेघवाल समाज संघ के नए नाम से पंजीकृत हैं।)
Meghwal Federation National Association of Social Meghwal now are registered to the new name. At the same time extended to many other countries from top international institutions have become the Meghwal community. Its founder and President of Rajasthan Hanumansinah Avidyawaridhi Acharya Gurooprasad are fearless. The main objective of the Union equivalent to the same historical background, social - Cloud, Meghwal, Mehwanshi, Balai, Tabalai, Hamb, weavers, Sutrkar, Salvi, sage Rikhia ie, Kabirpanthy, Kabirpanthy Weaver Zata - Maru - Bassi, recognizable by different names Bshisht etc. Meghwal society are Pirona a formula and they are to establish mutual emotional and Sanhatmk unity. Meghwal society through Acharya Gurooprasad Union long enough to unite the brothers across the country are engaged in society. Jismeean they have achieved remarkable success. Since Hanumansinah fearless when the executive took over as chairman of the National Association Meghwal community in Rajasthan and other states along with Dalit organizations Aandolneatmk and organizational actions are initiated, especially the security of land rights of Dalits and injustice, Utpeeednez , freedom from exploitation and atrocities the people are being organized and prepared to retaliate. Social Justice Tour this effort is a wide format. Acharyji and Nirrhyji Juadkazar social cohesion of the Union of Mehwaljnoan pursue this campaign is called for. Contact - - Gurooprasad Acharya, Founder, Meghwal Social Union, HO G -1-64, Uttam Nagar, State Bank, New Delhi
एक टिप्पणी भेजें